Newsletter Trade secrets trialogue a blow for workers’ mobility 16.12.2015Trade secrets Yesterday (15.12.2015) the Council, Commission and Parliament representatives gathered for the fourth trialogue meeting to conclude the trade secrets negotiations….

Newsletter Trade secrets trialogues continue: open letter to the negotiators 3.12.2015Trade secrets Trilogue negotiations on the Commission’s proposal for a Trade Secrets Directive: legal uncertainty endangers access to information and…

As Eurocadres has emphasized during the past year, the proposed trade secrets definition and limitation period are a threat to real freedom of mobility for professionals.

Joint NGO letter on Trade Secrets Directive calls on EU Parliament to defend safeguards for workers, journalists and public authorities.

Vote on the trade secrets directive proposal from Eurocadres’ point of view: we can be happy with the amendments on worker’s mobility that are now explicitly mentioned in the text, but whistle-blower protection is still lacking.

A joint statement about the trade secrets directive proposal by the European Commission. We have several concerns relating to whistleblowing, labour mobility, freedom of expression and environment.

This piece of legislation would pose a serious threat to professionals and managers, creating lock-in effects and building barriers preventing mobility.

Eurocadres has together with several other NGOs from the health, environment, food safety and consumer sectors, launched a joint statement about the trade secrets directive proposal by the European Commission.