Action on mental health at work
Just over a week ago the EU Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being published its recommendations. Member states have been involved in developing several work packages. One of them is on Mental Health at workplaces, Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Malta, the Netherlands and Slovenia.

The recommendations (can be found here on page 90-95) lay out a long list of actions that can promote mental health in the workplaces.
In the final conference 21-22 January 2016 Martin Jefflén, President of Eurocadres, spoke in two of the sessions, bringing forward the message that it is crucial that the policy fields of health and labour are cooperating well and that the social partners should once again address the issue of workplace related stress.
We have from Eurocadres already raised the issue in the framework of the EU-level cross-sectoral Social Dialogue.
The mandate of the action was oriented towards health policy and most of the recommendations are on that field.
–For workplaces in Europe the recommendations linking with labour policy and what the health sector can do on workplaces are important. I sincerely hope that the EU-Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being will be a success bringing the issue forward. We have from Eurocadres already raised the issue in the framework of the EU-level cross-sectoral Social Dialogue, says Martin Jefflén, President of Eurocadres.