Empty promises or steady progress?
Join us on March 2nd to discuss our progress delivering gender equality.

Despite decades of waiting, the past twelve months have seen a number of positive developments in the fight for gender equality, with various legislative proposals being proposed and adopted at a European level.
On March 2nd, we will look to evaluate how far we have actually come, with co-hosts CEPLIS - The European Council of the Liberal Professions. Those in Brussels can join in-person at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) headquarters, while a link will be made available for online participation closer to the event.
While there is still much more to be done, the von der Leyen Commission have upheld promises to place gender equality at the centre of their mandate. Despite this, the gender pay gap still means that women earn 15% less per hour than men. Europe has failed to deliver regulation to curb the disparity in pay evident today, with the gender pay gap only reducing by 1% over the last eight years. This would see women in the EU achieving equal pay by 2104, adding to other issues such as the care burden and gap in pensions.
We have seen particular movement in the European Parliament, with the gender pay transparency and combating violence against women and domestic violence directives addressing two existing gaps in our legislative approach. Trade unions have long been at the forefront of calls for progress, and are now seeing regulators accept the reality that their role in instigating change can no-longer be reactive.
With International Women’s Day usually bringing renewed calls for initiatives, we reflect on where we are, and how we can continue to progress. Two central questions will be: “A year of transition or tangible change?” and “How do we guarantee no woman is left behind?”, though we will also ask how European leaders can use newly advanced files to progress gender equality, if we are moving in the right direction quick enough, and what can be done to provide equality for all.
Over the course of two 90 minute panels, we will answer these and other burning questions. Joined by experts in gender equality, we will be looking ahead to the changes needed to bridge the existing gap between genders.
For now be sure to save-the-date, and keep an eye on Eurocadres’ social media channels for more!