Eurocadres aiming for quality of working life
Quality of working life, is a new thematic priority of Eurocadres. Adding psychosocial health in the Framework directive on occupational safety and health, strengthening parental leave rights and support for the women on boards directive are three of many proposals.

Quality in working life is one of Eurocadres' thematic priority areas. There is need for flexibility on the labour market as well as providing the right balance between private life and working life. As employees we spend a large part of our lives in the work-place.
There is clear evidence that long working hours have negative effect on health, safety, gender equality and work-life balance of the worker. Generally, it has also been shown that decreased yearly working hours have positive impact on productivity (Deloitte, 2010).
Leadership skills need to be strengthened and training and upskilling is essential. Managers, having the role of leaders, also need clearly communicated goals on what they are expected to achieve.
Leadership skills need to be strengthened and training and upskilling is essential. Managers, having the role of leaders, also need clearly communicated goals on what they are expected to achieve.
Equality, accessibility and inclusion are a matter of human rights. In addition to that, the research evidence is growing that there is also a strong business case for diversity, making it profitable to invest in improving practice in the workplace. Equal rights and opportunities must be mainstreamed. Managers have a responsibility to combat racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia and other forms of discrimination.
European women are highly-skilled and an increasing number of women graduate with tertiary education. But highly-educated women find it harder to enter the labour market and are in lower-skilled jobs in comparison to men. Promoting establishment of good child and elderly care systems enables women to take part in the labour market more actively. Single parents meet special challenges.
But highly-educated women find it harder to enter the labour market and are in lower-skilled jobs in comparison to men.
Enabling women to take up managerial roles, as well as executive positions, is a key measure to promote change in attitudes as well as organisational behaviour and culture. Eurocadres supports the Women on Boards directive. A competitive Europe needs to include not just one gender in leading positions in economy.
Digitalisation is changing work as we know it. Many professions will lose job positions, whereas new will grow. Many of these new jobs will require a different set of skills. We call for just transition in digitalisation with strong systems to support transitioning from one job to another.
We call for just transition in digitalisation with strong systems to support transitioning from one job to another.
Read the full position here