Eurocadres participates in education and innovation summit
Valuable contributions lay the groundwork for further improvement.

Last week the European Education and Innovation Summit took place, bringing together stakeholders from academic, institutional, business and civil society backgrounds to share knowledge and experiences on innovative education practices, geared towards bridging the gap between the education and higher education communities. The discussions focused on actions under the European Strategy for Universities and the upcoming Innovation Agenda.
In her welcome speech, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, focused on the role of education and innovation for transforming society and the future of Europe, highlighting the importance of education and training in innovation, outlining why they are key players, and detailing how integrating innovation in education can be transformative for society. Praising the quality of integrating both principles in Europe, the Commissioner noted that we have examples of where innovation and education have gone hand in hand with good results, but this is not always the case. Commissioner Gabriel noted that it is necessary to undertake an approach with an international dimension so that we are able to attract and retain talent in Europe, while promoting inclusivity in our actions.
The summit afforded participants the opportunity to join one of four working groups, based on the topics school, skills, careers or job markets. Representing Eurocadres, Vice-President Paula Ruiz Torres focused on Equipping future generations with innovation and entrepreneurial skills, which specifically dealt with: Inspiring innovation culture and developing future-proof skills, responding to innovation challenges and fostering links between higher education and the innovation ecosystem. Through a series of discussions and presentations, the concluding message emphasised that education is a powerful driver for innovation, and that collaboration and cooperation would determine the EU’s success in implementing its various projects to improve education and innovation.
– Innovation is needed to successfully implement our twin transitions, this includes in re/up-skilling and in lifelong learning. While the education and innovation summit is an annual event, the success of European initiatives will be in the daily implementation, where the role of trade unions remains vital.
Assessing the summit and where progress can be made in education and innovation, Paula Ruiz Torres said: “There are a number of challenges currently facing European citizens. Our ability to overcome obstacles is rooted in our access to skills and training, ensuring workers have the ability to maximise their potential and respond to challenges. While the European institutions have initiated a number of programmes and projects to improve uptake in education and foster innovation, they can only succeed with ample access to opportunities for workers, students and all European citizens.
Innovation is needed to successfully implement our twin transitions, this includes in re/up-skilling and in lifelong learning. While the education and innovation summit is an annual event, the success of European initiatives will be in the daily implementation, where the role of trade unions remains vital”.
More information on the European Education and Innovation Summit can be found here.