wbr workshop


New online tool on whistleblowing for trade unions

Eurocadres organised several trainings around Europe under its project “Whistleblowing in European workplaces”. The project outcomes include a transposition toolkit as well as a self-learning only tool for trade union representatives. The online course is available in six languages: English, French, German, Polish, Spanish and Italian. You can start your learning journey here!

Start learning now and get insights on how to set up whistleblowing channels and why trade unions' involvement is important!

The aim of the tool is to allow you to learn about:

  • what whistleblowing is and how it is part of an organisation's speak-up culture
  • the EU Whistleblowing Directive, national frameworks, a legal assessment by a law professor and the positions of experts from different unions
  • ways in which unions can support shop stewards, works council members and professional and managerial staff in establishing good whistleblowing policies and processes in an organisation
  • seven experts from five countries accompany your learning in the various modules, sharing their national experience. Examples include setting up and running a "whistleblower house", best practices on establishing good whistleblower policies and processes, and how unions - together with shop stewards and works council members - can sway employers to establish good internal whistleblower channels and an external channel reporting to a regulator
  • Eurocadres president Martin Jefflén shows us why this topic matters for unions and managerial and professional staff, and how Eurocadres has engaged with the topic at European level