Trade union trainings on whistleblower protection
Eurocadres will offer its member organisations a number of training seminars on the issue of whistleblower protection which will take place this year and beginning of 2020.

Eurocadres has been active for three years now on an EU-wide whistleblower protection and has initiated the European platform www.whistleblowerprotection.eu bringing together many NGOs and trade unions across Europe.
As professionals and managers are those who are most likely to come in contact with information which needs to be disclosed, they are fighting in the first line. That is why whistleblower protection is an essential aim for Eurocadres.
Eurocadres activities have made an impact. The EU Commission presented a draft directive on whistleblower protection in 2018. Negotiations between the EU institutions are ongoing.
Trade unions should become even more important actors in the protection of employees blowing the whistle.
Trade unions should become even more important actors in the protection of employees blowing the whistle. However, this role is not easy to assume, especially on company level. This is why Eurocadres in now initiating training for trade union representatives in companies on the gold standard for whistleblowing arrangements.
The trainings will take place in four different countries – Spain, Ireland, France and Serbia – gathering trade unions representatives from all over Europe to exchange and to learn on how to improve protection of whistleblowers.
The work will be carried out in cooperation with the UK based charity organisation Protect (formerly Public Concern at Work) who will carry out the trainings. Protect is UK’s leading authority on whistleblowing. Besides support and advise to individuals the charity helps organisations to establish trusted and effective whistleblowing arrangements.