Our Position

Avoiding the Risk of a Lost Generation: Urgent Actions to Halt Youth Employment Crisis

In the afternoon of today, 28th November 2013, 100 EUROCADRES members’ representatives from Professionals’ and Managers’ organisations, coming from European countries and Trade Union Federations participating to the Congress of EUROCADRES 2013 in the EESC – European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, discussed an Emergency Resolution on Youth Unemployment.

The Congress, meeting every four years, is evaluating the past activity of EUROCADRES and assessing future key priorities to represent at best P&MS in Europe, within the framework of the global trade union movement. The Congress also elects the President, Vice-presidents and Executive Committee.

While presenting the Emergency Resolution and commenting on the need for both a global and a national approach to tackle effectively the issue of youth unemployment in Europe, Paula Ruiz Torres, from the Professional and Managerial Staff Union of the Spanish General Union of Workers - UTC-UGT (Unión de Técnicos y Cuadros de la Unión General de Trabajadores) and candidate to the Vice-presidency of EUROCADRES stated: “Investing in youth is investing in the present and future of our societies and so job creation has to be a must for the global trade union movement. We cannot afford neither the social and economic costs that continuous youth unemployment represents nor the threat of the so called "lost generation" just because ineffective macroeconomic and other policies have not delivered enough jobs in general, and particularly for youth”.

“Although the youth unemployment crisis represents a global challenge, with more than 5.5 million young people out of work in Europe” she continued, “its nature differs within and among countries. We cannot underrate the situation of southern European countries, such as Spain, Italy or Greece: where the challenge lays not only in creating jobs, but also in finding decent ones for those who are discouraged or employed in insecure or low productivity jobs”.

By discussing this Resolution on Youth Unemployment as key work priority for the forthcoming years, EUROCADRES commits itself in taking immediately urgent actions to achieve full employment, decent work and productive jobs. It also engages to foster cooperation with other relevant stakeholders (governments, employers’ and workers´ organisations as well as any other labour market institutions and representatives of interest groups such as youth associations) to act together on economic policies for growth and job creation, education and training for employability, labour market policies, entrepreneurship and self-employment and labour rights for equal treatment.