EU adopts rules to scrutinise company supply chains 18.12.2023Corporate Social Responsability CSDD adopted, but some let off the hook
Platform workers’ rights delivered after lengthy debate 13.12.2023Digitalisation Lobbying campaigns fail to drive down standards
AI Act opens door for legislation to protect workers 11.12.2023Digitalisation Product-focused legislation will not solve issues
A race against time for Belgian presidency 7.12.2023Event Belgium the final rotation before elections
AI Act being blunted? 3.11.2023DigitalisationOccupational health and safety Text may face watering down
Break the stigma – protect and prevent! 10.10.2023Occupational health and safetyPsychosocial risks Action, not words, on mental health day
UE23 keeps AI in spotlight 26.9.2023EventOccupational health and safety AI, algorithms and work prioritised