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French delegation
| General

Declaration of French Delegates to General Assembly

The French Delegation of six trade union member organisations presented its joint declaration to the General Assembly on 20 October 2015. The declaration can be read hereafter in French. (Google…

| Migration | Mobility

Real Freedom of Mobility

Only addressing the posting of workers directive and social security coordination is not good enough. There are many more issues that need to be addressed.

ICT2015 in Lisbon
| Digitalisation

Digitalisation is taking over

The European Commission organised its biggest digital event of the year, ICT2015, with more than 7000 participants in Lisbon. The biggest aims and challenges for the digital era are how to create growth and jobs. Many talk about the 900.000 unfilled vacancies and skills mismatch in Europe, which were also mentioned at the event.

| General

New face of Eurocadres

–With the new website, logo and visual identity we have better tools to be a strong voice for the interests of professionals and managers in Europe, says Martin Jefflén, President…

| Education & Training

SMEs in Europe: key competencies for enhanced employability

There are 21.6 million SMEs accounting the 99.8% of all European enterprises, employing 88,8 million people with an added value of more than 3,5 trillion euro.

| Skills & qualifications

European competence for Supervision

An open European labour market needs Europe-wide recognition of diplomas which allows real opportunities and perspectives for professionals.

Trade secrets
| Trade secrets

Eurocadres on Trade Secrets vote: Closer, but still no cigar

Vote on the trade secrets directive proposal from Eurocadres’ point of view: we can be happy with the amendments on worker’s mobility that are now explicitly mentioned in the text, but whistle-blower protection is still lacking.

| Occupational health and safety

Psychosocial risks are the biggest threat to the European workforce

As many as 53% of workers see stress as biggest occupational risk. 1 in 6 workers will suffer from mental health problems, Costs 240 billion euros per year.

Trade secrets
| Mobility | Trade secrets

EU trade secrets directive threat to free speech, health, environment and worker mobility

A joint statement about the trade secrets directive proposal by the European Commission. We have several concerns relating to whistleblowing, labour mobility, freedom of expression and environment.

Trade secrets
| Trade secrets

Eurocadres Opposes Commission Trade Secrets Proposal at Tripartite Social Summit

This piece of legislation would pose a serious threat to professionals and managers, creating lock-in effects and building barriers preventing mobility.