The European Commission wants to clarify regulated professions
A functioning Single Market is one of the main priorities of the European Commission. The Commission considers that overregulation holds back growth and job creation. As one measure, it is calling for clarification of regulated professions in the member states, that sum up to a staggering amount of 5 500 in total.

The Commission is proposing for the member states to assess the necessity and balance of some regulated professions. According to mutual evaluation checks between 2014-2016, the countries that opened up their service markets now benefit from a better balance between prices and services.
The analysis that the Commission has conducted, concentrates on seven occupational groups: architects, civil engineers, accountants, lawyers, patent agents, real estate agents and tourist guides.
According to the Communication, it is up to each member state to decide upon the rules and restrictions, without compromising the principles of non-discrimination and proportionality. The EU cannot interfere with such a national prerogative, but can issue recommendations.
Access to the Communication on reform recommendations for regulation in professional services.