With Fair Mobility Towards More Mobility
Migrant EU workers are mostly highly educated and, in terms of qualifications, available evidence indicates that the key problem is the recognition of their professional qualifications. This is confirmed by a newly published study of the Commission.
The outcomes of this study confirm what Eurocadres is addressing for many years now. Highly qualified employees are as vulnerable as other categories of employees. The study recognizes that:
“…migrant EU workers are not always employed at their qualification level and skill mismatch is often reported. (…) The reported skill mismatch can be related to the difficulties that migrant EU workers encounter when it comes to validate qualifications and diplomas gained in their country of origin. This circumstance can result sometimes in taking up a job not matching the actual qualifications and skills of the individual.”
The study is based on reports from four EU cities and examines the impact of free movement of EU workers at a local level, on the basis of these reports. The reports analyses the challenges and the opportunities facing both workers from other EU countries wishing to integrate in the local labour market, as well as local workers and communities.