50 years ago today, in the early morning of June 28th, police raided the Stonewall inn in Greenwich village, New York. This day the LGBT community fought back.

One of the myths regarding racism is that black professionals and managers do not face the crude forms of racial insults and attacks, within the workplace. However, at the recent ETUC/ETUI workshop on racism and xenophobia in the workplace, fundamentally challenged any such perception.

“How much can schools can adapt their curricula to fight radicalisation by encouraging more inclusiveness and integration in society as well as the labour market?”… These topics, questions in public debates and news caught my attention.

In order to cope with what is a real public health concern, businesses must stop “dumping” their senior workers, and instead adapt so as to accommodate their specific skills and requirements, if they want to be socially responsible.

Face à ce qui est un véritable problème de santé publique, les entreprises, si elles veulent être socialement responsables, doivent cesser de « jeter » leurs salariés seniors mais adapter les organisations à leurs compétences et à leurs spécificités.