News Headlines

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| Corporate Social Responsability | Digitalisation

Navigating a packed legislative agenda

Where will the Swedish presidency look to deliver?

| Gender equality

Eurocadres and CEPLIS announce joint position paper

Both organisations continue their work on gender equality

| Gender equality

Directives, not days, to combat gender-based violence

Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

| Gender equality

Women on Boards passes final hurdle in European Parliament

Directive is formally adopted in Strasbourg

| Event

Eurocadres take part in 5th ITUC congress

European professionals and managers represented in Melbourne

| Corporate Social Responsability

Trade Union role in CSDD must be strengthened

EMPL committee fails to secure workers involvement in CSDD

Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Marina Åman

After a long battle, Marina sadly passed away this week

| Digitalisation | Event

Successful conclusion to digitalisation project in Paris

Over 100 attendees take part in our final conference

| Psychosocial risks

Worker’s wellbeing in the spotlight once more

Further evidence of legislative limitations leave workers at risk

| Whistleblowing

Uber whistleblower calls for strong legislation

Platforms must not unduly influence latest directive