News Headlines

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| Gender equality

Ratification of Istanbul convention moves closer

Council looks for Parliamentary consent

| Event

Eurocadres hosts first ever communications workshop

Trade union strategies and common approaches discussed over two days

| Occupational health and safety | Organising

European Work Councils strengthened by MEPs

MEP Dennis Radtke’s report adopted during February plenary

| Occupational health and safety

Parliament adopts strong mandate for platform negotiations

Corporate lobbyists fail to deceive MEPs

| Event | Gender equality

Empty promises or steady progress?

Join us on March 2nd to discuss our progress delivering gender equality

| Psychosocial risks

Mounting crisis of PSR centre-fold

HesaMag places psychosocial risks in the spotlight

| Employment | Equality

Global inequality in the spotlight during WEF

Oxfam illustrate the growing gap in society

| Gender equality | Occupational health and safety

Parliament position adds to protection from gender-based violence

Combating violence against women and domestic violence file proceeds

| Employment | Occupational health and safety

Positive steps forward in protecting platform workers

No guarantees as of yet, but positive signs for robust legislation

| Gender equality

Historical progress made in the push for pay parity

Gender pay transparency directive negotiations successfully conclude