Action finally being taken

Two Commission public consultations, one on digital skills, one on digital education are central to the action plan.

Valuable contributions lay the groundwork for further improvement

Newsletter Eurocadres participates in Tripartite Social Summit 24.3.2022Education & TrainingSocial dialogue Representing Europe’s professionals and managers, we call on Europe’s leaders to further strengthen social dialogue. The blockades preventing the…

Eurocadres is calling for better re- and upskilling possibilities for workers through a resolution that was adopted at the General Assembly on 17 October.

Launch event of the publication “In the Mirror of Competences” on a European glossary and a European competence framework for supervision and coaching held end of November 2017.

Eurocadres highlights in its reply that all workers, low- or high-skilled should have the opportunity to reskilling and upskilling.

Eurocadres will point out the importance of including highly-skilled professionals in the agenda.

Newsletter The Commission Work Programme focuses further on growth and jobs 28.10.2015DigitalisationEducation & TrainingGender equalityMobilitySocial dialogue The Commission published its new Work Programme for 2016 on 27 October 2015 setting out…

There are 21.6 million SMEs accounting the 99.8% of all European enterprises, employing 88,8 million people with an added value of more than 3,5 trillion euro.
Eurocadres – the Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff – is satisfied that the European Commission has decided to prioritise jobs, growth and investment in its working programme.
A competitive Europe is built on a social Europe, where a well-educated workforce has a strong sense of security to take and make their own opportunities, using their skills. Where green jobs drive change to reach essential climate goals while making us leader in technology that needs to be in place for us to sustain life on this planet.