The Eurocadres blog
Participation of P&MS workers in the social dialogue will fine-tune the mobility practices
Sometimes the enthusiasm to work abroad is tempered by practical inconveniences and uncertainties causing feelings of suspicion and doubts. Considerations and questions arise like… will my partner be happy there? And my children, will they be able to continue their education? Or … will I be invited to take part in professional education in my new host country? What will happen when my children get ill?
The actual labour and social security legislation is currently dominated by national regulations and are not covering all the risks. Not all the interests and mixed feelings can be covered by a general legal framework on European level, neither by national regulations, but a complementary set of commitments is desirable to make a job abroad more attractive.
In many cases mobility seems to be a topic for professionals and managers. A strong participation of this group in the social dialogue on company level is generally speaking non-existing. However, it is a prerequisite to come to a good code of conduct for the HR management and for the posted P&MS workers abroad. Herein engagements can be made on moving expenses, the reintegration in the home company at the moment that the employment abroad comes to an end, complementary insurance plans (pension, hospitalisation cost), travel costs for the whole family, telework, work conditions and so on.
The general legal framework that we are pursuing will, of course, only offer a basic inter-sectoral approach. Depending on the nature of the exercised job abroad the need for more custom-made regulations will be more desirable, e.g. based on the sector (NGO, research, commerce, etc.), on the health and safety risks, but also the job level (manager, professional).
All these differences should be taken into account. The participation of Eurocadres, as well as the European Trade Union Federations and the local representatives in this bargaining process is crucial to provide confidence and to encourage more professionals and managers to work abroad.

The author
Jan De Paepe
Treasurer of Eurocadres
LBC-NVK National P&MS Association
Follow Jan on Twitter @u41jdp
The opinions in this article are the author’s own.