Eurocadres demands a directive on work organisation and psychosocial risks for an upcoming EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety.

Trade unions are launching a campaign for an EU law to tackle work-related stress amid a mental health crisis worsened by the lockdown.

Newsletter Launch event 15 October – Time to end stress in the EU 7.10.2020Psychosocial risks Already before the COVID-19 outbreak EU was in a stress epidemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has put additional strain…

The COVID-19 pandemic has an enormous impact on mental health and well-being. A coalition of organisations put out recommendations in a joint statement.

Until further notice, the launch event planned for 18 March will unfortunately be cancelled due to recent developments regarding COVID-19.

Today, Eurocadres launched its campaign EndStress.EU. The aim of the campaign is to make a breakthrough in occupational health and safety legislation on EU level.

Eliminating psychosocial risks at the workplace is a key demand for Eurocadres. Occupational health and safety must tackle both physical and mental wellbeing.

Eurocadres’ two-day conference “Time to end stress: Professionals & Managers in the front line” kicks off today in Lisbon. The conference will address the challenges in tackling psychosocial risks at workplaces and what steps forward there are. Eurocadres will also launch the EndStress.EU campaign.