PSR directive moves into political spotlight
Commission under fire from MEPs
Action, not words, on mental health day
Another initiative doomed to fail
Another institution calls for legal change
Latest ETUI report paints grim picture
HesaMag places psychosocial risks in the spotlight
Where will the Swedish presidency look to deliver?
Further evidence of legislative limitations leave workers at risk
Worker’s mental health in a global spotlight
Yet again the European Parliament calls on the Commission to act.
MEPs ask for binding measures to protect workers’ health
The push to the European Commission is adopted on a vote of 551 to 30, with 110 abstentions.
Newsletter campaign reaches the European Parliament 2.3.2022Occupational health and safetyPsychosocial risksWork/life managementWorking conditions In a new draft report, Parliamentarians support the call for a directive on work-related psychosocial risks. …
Newsletter How the French presidency can deliver for European workers 17.12.2021DigitalisationEmploymentOccupational health and safetyPsychosocial risksSocial dialogue As Emmanuel Macron outlines his presidency priorities, a just transition must be central to…
Today Eurocadres members outlined the trade union’s vision for the future of work in Europe, during our 6th congress in Madrid, Spain.
The new directive on psychosocial risks which is needed is lacking in the new EU Occupational Health & Safety Strategic Framework 2021-2027.
Trade unions fight for better health & safety in the workplace and in law and together with safety representatives play a vital role in ensuring health and safety, says Eurocadres together with 10 European trade union organisations for the 28 April International Workers Memorial Day.
Eurocadres demands a directive on work organisation and psychosocial risks for an upcoming EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety.
Trade unions are launching a campaign for an EU law to tackle work-related stress amid a mental health crisis worsened by the lockdown.