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As previously discussed, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a significant legislative instrument from the EU, designed to enforce corporate social responsibility under binding regulations. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting…
How a new EU file can help deliver a Just Transition
The struggle for gender equality in the workplace has been a hot topic for decades. Despite significant progress in many areas, the gender gap persists in a number of sectors, one of the most prominent being women’s access to management positions.
The regulatory framework and practices in focus.
Time management a key concern for today’s worker
A step forward to a just transition
Improvements to work-life balance secured through negotiations
With soaring energy costs adding to the cost-of-living crisis, Belgian workers now face another pressing issue: the collapse of the childcare sector.
Austrian trade unionist Gerald Musger, who served as a member of Eurocadres Executive Committee from 1993 and vice-president from 2005 to 2013, has recently published a thesis examining the role trade unions play in advancing worker’s knowledge based.
One of the key elements that determines the development of a country in its scientific and research policy is its investment in research and development and innovation (R&D&I). The current…
Inclusion, equity, employability, lifelong learning and the transformation of teaching and learning practices need to be raised higher in every country’s political agenda.
In the digital era, education and work are heavily influenced by new technologies. For education and research professionals, the complexity lies in the fact that they are often both users and creators of copyrighted material.
Balancing work and private life is not an easy task for European workers in general, let alone female professionals and managers.
La conciliación de la vida laboral, personal y familiar no resulta fácil para las profesionales y directivas. A menudo se ven obligadas a elegir entre su carrera profesional o su vida familiar.
On 24 February 1993 in Luxemburg Eurocadres was created. The European social dialogue was just being launched through the Maastricht treaty, and trade unions organising professionals and managers wanted to…
On 17 November the European Pillar of Social Rights will be proclaimed. But is it enough as a response to call from trade unions for a more Social Europe?
Innovation, technology, automatization and globalization are affecting global industries causing a significant impact on employment, redefining its nature and widening, in many cases, skills gaps.
Mental health in the workplace is the theme of the World Mental Health Day 2017, observed on 10 October. To focus on the workplace is key to combat the global rise of mental health disorders – many of which are caused by stress.
Atypical workers need protection and representation. Trade unions in Europe discuss alternatives and solutions.
New forms of raising the voice in the future. ETUI and Meta-Morphosis organized an exhibition of posters in the corridors of the International Trade Union House in Brussels from 8 June – 20 July 2017.