Our Blog

Promotion Social Dialogue through CSRD reporting

By Ute Meyenberg | September 18, 2024

As previously discussed, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a significant legislative instrument from the EU, designed to enforce corporate social responsibility under binding regulations.  The Corporate Sustainability Reporting…

Using Europe’s new reporting rules for sustainability

By Ute Meyenberg | May 24, 2024

How a new EU file can help deliver a Just Transition

Challenges and Achievements: Women and the Gender Gap in Access to Managerial Positions in Europe

By Paula Ruiz Torres | March 22, 2024

The struggle for gender equality in the workplace has been a hot topic for decades. Despite significant progress in many areas, the gender gap persists in a number of sectors, one of the most prominent being women’s access to management positions.

Analysing the impact of AI in Italy

By Alessio De Luca | March 7, 2024

The regulatory framework and practices in focus.

When is the 35-hour working week coming?

By Paula Ruiz Torres | January 11, 2024

Time management a key concern for today’s worker

Compulsory ESG reporting for companies

By Ute Meyenberg | November 7, 2023

A step forward to a just transition

Finnish family reform provides leave equality

By Lotta Savinko | December 20, 2022

Improvements to work-life balance secured through negotiations

Childcare crisis grips Belgian workers

By Sandra Vercammen | December 15, 2022

With soaring energy costs adding to the cost-of-living crisis, Belgian workers now face another pressing issue: the collapse of the childcare sector.

How do trade unions contribute to the European knowledge society?

By Gerald Musger | December 8, 2022

Austrian trade unionist Gerald Musger, who served as a member of Eurocadres Executive Committee from 1993 and vice-president from 2005 to 2013, has recently published a thesis examining the role trade unions play in advancing worker’s knowledge based.

The time for research, development and innovation is now

By Paula Ruiz Torres | June 16, 2022

One of the key elements that determines the development of a country in its scientific and research policy is its investment in research and development and innovation (R&D&I). The current…

Employability and trade unions

By Michael Tottrup | February 18, 2016

New technologies and an ever faster changing labour market requires of employees to adapt their skills and competences to stay employable. Trade unions have huge potential to accompany their members in this process.

Mental health situation calls for action

By Martin Jefflen | February 1, 2016

The social partners need to take on the issue of mental health at work. Mental disorders are very common in Europe and are a major burden on society. There is also a need to clarify in legislation that occupational health and safety at work is not only about the physical workplace.

Eva Nordmark, President of TCO, Sweden

Trade union change for recruiting professionals & managers

By Eva Nordmark | January 22, 2016

Everything a trade union does or says has an organising perspective. We communicate key political messages and we talk about image and, not least, how to become attractive and relevant for potential members. In Europe there are millions of them out there.

Paula Ruiz Rorres

Countries exporting highly qualified & skilled workers paying a price in the short term

By Paula Ruiz Torres | January 15, 2016

The financial crisis and the lack of jobs have caused brain drain, increasing migration of highly educated and skilled workers from the South and East to seek work in the North and West of Europe.

From stress to engagement

By Dirk Antonissen | January 4, 2016

Many efforts are put in sensitising employers and employees to adhere the necessary attention to psychosocial risks.

Social market structures can encourage cross-border labour mobility

By Sirpa Pietikäinen | December 11, 2015

Europe is recovering from the economic crisis that has left its mark on many peoples’ lives. Nearly one quarter of EU citizens (24.6 %) are currently regarded as being at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

“Welfare tourism” – perceptions and the reality

By Klára Fóti | December 2, 2015

Freedom of movement of persons is undoubtedly one of the most important values of the EU. Moreover, labour mobility in particular can contribute to better match labour supply with demand, helping to raise employment levels.

Majority of women fear taking a career break

By Pav Akhtar | November 12, 2015

A recent survey from the London Business School has revealed that 70 per cent of women feel anxious about taking a career break for maternity leave or travel and the impact it will have on their careers.

Climate Change is Union Business

By Hanna Sjölund | November 5, 2015

With less than a month until world leaders will meet in Paris for the UN climate conference, COP21, the temperature is rising with the warmest 1 November in Brussels since measurements began.

Participation of P&MS workers in the social dialogue will fine-tune the mobility practices

By Jan De Paepe | November 3, 2015

Sometimes the enthusiasm to work abroad is tempered by practical inconveniences and uncertainties causing feelings of suspicion and doubts. Considerations and questions arise like… will my partner be happy there?