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As previously discussed, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a significant legislative instrument from the EU, designed to enforce corporate social responsibility under binding regulations. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting…
How a new EU file can help deliver a Just Transition
The struggle for gender equality in the workplace has been a hot topic for decades. Despite significant progress in many areas, the gender gap persists in a number of sectors, one of the most prominent being women’s access to management positions.
The regulatory framework and practices in focus.
Time management a key concern for today’s worker
A step forward to a just transition
Improvements to work-life balance secured through negotiations
With soaring energy costs adding to the cost-of-living crisis, Belgian workers now face another pressing issue: the collapse of the childcare sector.
Austrian trade unionist Gerald Musger, who served as a member of Eurocadres Executive Committee from 1993 and vice-president from 2005 to 2013, has recently published a thesis examining the role trade unions play in advancing worker’s knowledge based.
One of the key elements that determines the development of a country in its scientific and research policy is its investment in research and development and innovation (R&D&I). The current…
“Too many professionals burn out in the first 10 years of their career so it’s time to make expectations more realistic and stop this terrible waste of talent,” declared Ulf Bengtsson.
40% of the EU population have insufficient digital skills. 18% have still never used the internet. 2020 there will be an estimate of 825.000 unfilled vacancies for ICT professionals.
There is no alternative’ was the clear message that Mr. Tsipras received from his colleagues when they forced him last summer to accept a new plan of savings for the Greek economy. However, if we look around across Europe, not only the Greek adjust their lifestyle to a lower level.
A fresh analysis shows that TTIP would have positive employment and income effects in many EU countries. On the other side, effects would be minimal in countries such as Germany, France and Italy. The trade unions are demanding that TTIP has to serve citizens; it needs a strong labour chapter and high standards must be preserved.
One of the greatest achievements of the EU is free movement of people and particularly the possibility to work in another member state. Despite of this, intra-EU mobility is low and only around 7 million Europeans live and work in another EU country. Nevertheless, the political discussion in Europe is focused on benefit tourism, even if it has been proven that people mainly move after jobs.