News Headlines

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| Equality | Event

EIGE shows shortcomings

Equality ranked

Dragoș Pîslaru addresses plenary
| Psychosocial risks

“Set strong rules now!”

Commission under fire from MEPs

| Event

Action against austerity

Unions take to Paris

| Occupational health and safety | Psychosocial risks

Break the stigma – protect and prevent!

Action, not words, on mental health day

| Event | Occupational health and safety

UE23 keeps AI in spotlight

AI, algorithms and work prioritised

| Employment

Treatment of trainees in focus

Steps towards fair traineeships

| Event

SOTEU ’23 looks to next elections

Key areas targeted by Commission chief

| Gender equality

Re-committing to equality

Declaration on gender tasks

| Employment | Research

EU action for researchers

Boost for critical sector

| Elections

Another derailed programme?

ES election ahead