Concerning results from a survey conducted by Ugict-CGT

Eurocadres set to play key role in updating EU rules.

While the Commission’s new proposal is a welcome package to defend European democracy, amendments are needed to defend all media workers.

Yet again the European Parliament calls on the Commission to act.

MEPs ask for binding measures to protect workers’ health

On International Workers Memorial Day, we support the call to end workplace deaths

French court fines platform for refusal to recognise working status

Movement on files in the Parliament and Council are cause for optimism

The push to the European Commission is adopted on a vote of 551 to 30, with 110 abstentions.

Newsletter campaign reaches the European Parliament 2.3.2022Occupational health and safetyPsychosocial risksWork/life managementWorking conditions In a new draft report, Parliamentarians support the call for a directive on work-related psychosocial risks. …

Newsletter Progress as European Commission delivers protections for platform workers 9.12.2021EmploymentOccupational health and safetyOrganisingWorking conditions Many of the calls from trade unions are answered as draft directive outlines how platforms…

Today Eurocadres members outlined the trade union’s vision for the future of work in Europe, during our 6th congress in Madrid, Spain.

As part of the second-stage consultation of European social partners, we reaffirm the need for further EU action to ensure basic labour standards and rights to platforms’ workers.

The International Bar Association (IBA) launched a report on sexual harassment in the legal profession in mid-May. The results show a horrifying truth about the frequency of bullying and harassment.