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| General

An EU budget fit for the future

The future of the EU depends on the MFF, the long-term budget. This seven year plan will set the level of ambition on the various fields of activity of the European Union. Eurocadres underlines the need to continue increasing the investments in higher education, innovation and research.

| Whistleblowing

Final push in Luxembourg

Today the Court of Cassation in Luxembourg has cancelled the previous verdict of the famous whistleblower Antoine Deltour. This means that a new appeal trial will have to take place.

Happy Holidays from Eurocadres

Eurocadres wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The Secretariat is closed 23 December-6 January.

Martin Jefflén and Janina Mackiewicz from Eurocadres at the action outside Berlaymont.
| Whistleblowing

Whistleblower protection action targeting the Commission

On 5 December an action demanding EU-wide whistleblower protection took place outside of Berlaymont, the main European Commission building.

| Social dialogue | Whistleblowing

Eurocadres raises just transition in the Pillar in Summit

In the Tripartite Social Summit on 16 November 2017 Eurocadres stressed just transition and criticised the lack of whistleblower protection.

| Whistleblowing

WhistleblowerProtection.EU hands over petition to Commission

On 14 November (2017) WhistleblowerProtection.EU, a platform which Eurocadres initiated in October 2016, met with Tiina Astola – Director General of DG JUST. The signatures of the petition and a list of the organisations participating in the platform were handed over.

| General

Video: General report shows Eurocadres’ work

The General report shows what Eurocadres have been doing for four years before the Congress. Instead of only submitting a written report, there was also a video for the 2017…

| General | Policy paper

New policy programme & action plan

What do professionals and managers in Europe want and need? The Eurocadres 2017 Congress decided on the main policies and action in a new four year policy programme and action…

| General | Social dialogue

European Union Unity

We firmly believe that a more social Europe is a stronger Europe. Social divides within and between member states do not foster improved resilience.

| Equality | Work/life management

Work-life balance essential for an equal career development

The Eurocadres Congress debated the need for work-life balance to achieve equal career development for all. Women especially are in danger of falling behind in their careers, salaries and pensions to uneven demands of care-taking responsibilities.