Competitiveness a pipedream without professionals and managers.

No guarantees as of yet, but positive signs for robust legislation

French court fines platform for refusal to recognise working status

Newsletter How the French presidency can deliver for European workers 17.12.2021DigitalisationEmploymentOccupational health and safetyPsychosocial risksSocial dialogue As Emmanuel Macron outlines his presidency priorities, a just transition must be central to…

Newsletter Progress as European Commission delivers protections for platform workers 9.12.2021EmploymentOccupational health and safetyOrganisingWorking conditions Many of the calls from trade unions are answered as draft directive outlines how platforms…

Eurocadres outlines how the fund can enable a just recovery post-COVID in European Forum event.

In a decisive majority, the European Parliament calls for a ban on the use of facial recognition in public places by law enforcement.

This week, Eurocadres spoke with Euronews’ on the importance of the directive.

The recently published ETUC/ETUI study, ‘Benchmarking Working Europe 2019’, reports that despite the rise in the number of highly skilled professionals, within the European Union (EU), there remains a gap between those highly-skilled workers and the number of appropriate jobs available to them.

Eurocadres broadly welcomes today’s provisional agreement between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to support the Commission’s proposal to set-up a European Labour Authority (ELA).

Newsletter ILO supporting a Brighter Future for Work 12.2.2019Employment The international Labour Organisation’s (ILOs) Global Commission on the Future of Work has published a new report titled: ‘Working for a…