
Webinar 3 December: Workers with whistles


On 3 December 10-12 CET Eurocadres organises a webinar on trade unions and whistleblowing. Workers with whistles – How trade unions can empower whistleblowers. One year has passed since the EU Whistleblowing Directive entered into force. One year is left of the time member states have to implement it into national legislation. Is time running out for trade unions protecting whistleblowers in Europe?

Tripartite Social Summit on COVID-19 aftermath

Photo of a screen showing the Tripartite Social Summit videoconference with Martin Jefflén speaking.

As most meetings in these COVID-19 times the June 23 Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment (TSS) took place as a video conference. Eurocadres highlighted the need for investing in occupational health & safety and addressing psychosocial risks.

Time to end stress!

Eurocadres’ two-day conference “Time to end stress: Professionals & Managers in the front line” kicks off today in Lisbon. The conference will address the challenges in tackling psychosocial risks at workplaces and what steps forward there are. Eurocadres will also launch the EndStress.EU campaign.

Eurocadres’ General Assembly gathers in Lisbon


On 17 October 2019, Eurocadres members gather in Lisbon for the General Assembly. The GA will debate three resolutions: one on re- and upskilling, second one on the transposition of the whistleblower directive and a third one calling for a directive on psychosocial risks.

Skills mismatch shows a polarised EU

The recently published ETUC/ETUI study, ‘Benchmarking Working Europe 2019’, reports that despite the rise in the number of highly skilled professionals, within the European Union (EU), there remains a gap between those highly-skilled workers and the number of appropriate jobs available to them.

Gender pay gap is far from solved

European women are more and more highly-skilled, and a growing number of women graduate with tertiary education. Not only is advancing to managerial positions a challenge, but the wages of women are also lagging far behind.